New publication in Water Resources Research

[Institut für Geoökologie]

The relationship between species concentration (C) and discharge (Q) can be studied through so-called C-Q curves that plot concentration over discharge.  In a new paper in Water Resources Research, Zexuan Xu and colleagues (including Ilhan Özgen, Theoretical Ecohydrology Lab) analyse the C-Q curve of a catchment in Colorado, USA, by means of a hydrological model. Differences in the C-Q curve between wet and dry years can be traced back to vertical mineral heterogeneity in the soil.

Z. Xu, S. Molins, I. Özgen-Xian, D. Dwivedi, D. Svyatsky, J.D. Moulton, C.I. Steefel (2022).  Understanding the hydrogeochemical response of a mountainous watershed using integrated surface-subsurface flow and reactive transport modeling.  Water Resources Research, 58(8), e2022WR032075. doi: 10.1029/2022WR032075