

Management network „QX“ | ICU-Final 2024 | Frankfurt a.M. | June 12+13, 2024

On June 12/13, 2024, the German management network "QX" will once again be awarding 10 new scholarship holders with particularly worthy leadership potential as part of the "ICU Final 2024" in Frankfurt am Main.

The five core elements of the scholarship:
1. participation in the reverse mentoring programme: experience a year full of valuable experiences by forming a mentoring tandem with one of 12 high-profile leaders* from various sectors of the German economy.
- Jo Braun, Founder, Board Member and Philanthropist
- Isabelle Hoyer, Founder & CEO PANDA Women Leadership Network
- Alexander Schwörer, Entrepreneur, Owner @ PERI Group, Business Angel
- Martin Krengel, Owner & CEO @ WEPA Group
- Matthias Sattler, Unicorn-Founder @ Storage 24
- Otmar Debald, Ex-Managing Director & CFO Procter & Gamble DACH, Chairman @ mymuesli
- Miriam Pütz, CEO @ WM Group
- Jan Becker, Investor & Partner @ 10X
- ... and many more!
2. access to the "LEADERSHIP ACADEMY": Expand your leadership knowledge and soft skills through a wide-ranging curriculum of seminars conducted by the best trainers and lecturers in their field.
3. 6-day "QX-MASTERCLASS@Sea": Intensive learning on board the Queen Mary 2 from Southampton to New York. Engage in dialogue with respected personalities and learn from the best.
4. participation in the LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE and the MBA World Summit: Become part of events that promote cross-generational "good experience learning", "best practice sharing" and "leadership success models".
5th CARTE Blanche access to 90 exclusive events of the QX Leadership Network: Build sustainable personal relationships with C-Levels and Executives and immerse yourself in an inspiring exchange.

Who can apply?
Exciting characters with exceptional achievements! Whether you are studying for a Bachelor's, Master's or PhD, we encourage students from all disciplines with outstanding academic achievements and a wide range of commitments to apply for the ICU Scholarship. We are looking for talents with rough edges, for young people who have that "certain something" and are interested in "making others greater". It doesn't matter whether their talents lie in academic, professional, artistic-musical or sporting excellence.

Upload your CV and any relevant certificates in a single document no larger than 4 MB to the application page ( and find out within 48 hours whether you have been invited to the second selection round (assessment centre in Frankfurt either 27.02.24, 19.03.24, 16.04.24 or 28.05.24).