
Ganzelmeier, L.; Schnieder, E.:
Engineering aspects of nonlinear H Control for longitudinal vehicle dynamics.
In: Tsugawa, S.; Aoki, M., Hrsg.: CTS 2003 - Preprints, S. 439-444, August 2003. 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems.


Abstract: In this paper a nonlinear robust controller design task for longitudinal dynamics of autonomous road vehicles is considered. This work presents a longitudinal controller that covers the nonlinearities of the vehicle dynamics by a nonlinear model based controller design while the variation in vehicle parameters is covered by the unstructured robustness of the controller. How model nonlinearities in longitudinal vehicle dynamics are described and how they are taken into account during the controller design process is shortly presented. The used control concept for nonlinear plants in form of a nonlinear H¥ control task is described. The approach involves the numerical solution, by power series approximation, of the time-varying Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaac equation and results in a nonlinear controller approximating the optimal tracking control law for a specified desired trajectory and cost function. Mathematical and computational aspects of nonlinear H control or of L2 gain synthesis are considered. The first practical results with a nonlinear robust control law for longitudinal dynamic of an autonomous vehicle are presented. Keywords: nonlinear control, robust control, autonomous vehicles, combustion engine, vehicle, velocity control, practical result