
Bikker, G.; König, S.; Meyer zu Hörste, M.; Schnieder, E.:
Verteilte Simulation des Eisenbahnbetriebes auf Basis wiederverwendbarer Modellbibliotheken.
Tagungsband des 7. Internationalen Symposiums Zel 2000: Eisenbahn an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend, S. 37-48, Zilina, ''7 2000. Zilina/Slowakei.


Actual projects at the Institut für Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik der Technischen Universität Braunschweig are dealing with new concepts for improving efficiency and flexibility in railway traffic. Simulation is an important part of the development process. In order to enable the use of several methods within the modelling process and to increase efficiency in simulation, a framework for distributed simulation was developed. It couples several commercial CAE tools, supports object orientation on tool level, integration of hardware- in-the-loop and helps closing the gaps between modelling, simulation, implementation and validation process.