

Exhaust air investigations of a special waste covering system for mechanical treated waste Client: Helsatech - Helsa Group

Schedule: 2006

Head of project: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke

Coordinator: Dipl.-Geoökol. Tobias Bahr, Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Kugelstadt

Partner: Abfallzweckverband Südniedersachsen, Helsatech - Helsa Group, IGW Fricke und Turk GmbH

Location: Hattorf and Blankenhagen landfills, Lower Saxony, Germany


From monitoring mechanical waste treatment on landfill sites in Hattorf and Blankenhagen the subproject exhaust air analysis of compost windrows using the reduction cover system helsasorb eco has emerged. The manufacturer Helsatech (Helsa Group) does not offer precise information regarding emission reduction performance. Hence the effect of the reduction cover system has to be investigated. Therefore comparative emission measurements with and without the cover system have to be done to evaluate the efficiency.