Teacher Training Course: Gymnasien (double major Bachelor’s degree)

Studierende vor einem Bücherregal in der Bibliothek

Key data

Degree double major Bachelor’s degree
Standard duration of study 6 semesters
Language of instruction German
Start of programme winter semester
Admission depending on the chosen majors

Would you like to work as a teacher at a Gymnasium one day? Your first step towards this goal is the double major Bachelor’s degree.

The Master of Education degree programmes build on this degree. The degree programmes are characterised by a close link between theory and practice in order to ensure that you are well prepared for your future profession as a teacher.


What is special about TU Braunschweig?

Studying on a dedicated campus

During your studies, you can expect a practice-oriented education with integrated school placements and opportunities for professionalisation.

For the most part, you will be studying on the North Campus, where a modern centre for humanities and educational sciences has been created.

Its central institute library and computer pools are ideal places to get your work done. The Mensa and sports facilities are within walking distance.

Information on the study programme

Admission requirements and application

You will need a formal university entrance qualification to apply for the programme. If you do not have the German Abitur, you can check our summary [in German only] to find out which degree programmes are available to you depending on your educational background.

For English Studies you will need to present proof of language proficiency. For Performing Arts as well as Art Education you will have to pass an entrance examination


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